Saturday, November 27, 2010

don't stop

I wish I could take credit for this but I guess I'll just have to be happy with being able to drive by it every day. If could meet the person who did do it I would give them a huge hug and kiss. 
Much love.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

bring the noise

aah. Life of a college graduate. I'm kind of living in this lovely limbo right now- caught between post-college and pre-real job- all the while living at home, allowing my parents to take care of my food and utilities, and my mom keeps begging me to let her buy me some new clothes (not kidding). I'm done with work by five at the latest every day and I get to coach young, budding runners three days a week at my old high school. I'm living the life, people. So what have I done with all of this new-found free time on my hands?

Well, one activity I have decided to devote some of my free-as-a-bird time to includes me becoming a re-born Jazz fan. I admit- I lost faith in them for a while there, after they got cheated out of a championship by none other than Michael Jordan and the Chicago Bulls, but I'm back with all systems on "go."

These fellas have been on fire this year. And lucky me, I have found a devout Jazz fan to help me in this re-birthing process.

meet Matt

We have Jazz games down to a science.
dinner. game at seven- bring the noise. large Coke no ice at the beginning of the third. with intermittent bathroom breaks (ok maybe that one is just me). stay till the end- no questions. freeze our buns on the way back to the car- exact same parking spot. and sometimes I can talk him into ice cream after.

it is definitely a goodtime with this guy

and these guys

Could this be their year??

*and I just found this gem of a quote from back in the glory days:

“Yeah, I got a way to defend it. Bring a bat to the game and kill one of them.”
-Nick Van Exel, on defending the Stockton-Malone Pick & Roll

You gotta love it, baby!

Saturday, November 20, 2010


Grandpa and Ky 
{twinner bald spots}

Sunday, November 14, 2010


As we were watching this commercial tonight I realized my parents have the exact same laugh. Hilarious.

Now that's true love folks.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Last weekend my mom and I got to escape the grind and go back to our roots- Ashton, Idaho.
Also known as the land of naps, books, fields, and homemade bread and jam.
We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.

Sunday, November 7, 2010


Let me tell you a story.

Once upon a time, there were two beautiful little girls who were sisters. Once or twice a year they would travel up to the magical town of Ashton, Idaho.

It was a family tradition to go to Florence's Candy shop.

This candy shop was very special. Everything glittered, all of the chocolates were hand dipped, and when you walked in you could instantly smell chocolate.

They even had a magical waterfall and a real talking tree!

On one of these family trips, the elder one- Hailey- got a whole bag full of Dutch Mints. Lauren, being the less experienced one, got a bag full of less desirable licorice beans.

Unhappy with her selection, she begged Hailey to share her beautiful mints. Hailey would not and ate the whoooooole bag all by herself. This made Lauren very, very sad. However, the mints had some magic hidden inside them.

That night, Hailey had a big bubble form inside her mouth. Their father, King Guy, called it an "abscess tooth." Hailey wailed in pain. And Lauren? Well, she didn't feel all that bad. They had to take Hailey to the royal dentists to fix her tooth but because of the magic inside the mints she had to promise that she would always share from that day forward or else the bubble would grow back. She promised that she would and from then on she has been an excellent sharer. And they lived happily ever after.

The End.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

tipping bucket

I need exactly 30 seconds of your time.

Right now, Pepsi is doing their Pepsi Refresh Challenge where they are giving away $1.3 million in grants to organizations who submit their ideas of how to change the world and people vote on their favorites.

I have been helping an organization called the Tipping Bucket in their endeavor for votes for a $250K grant. That's some serious cash and I truly believe this organization can do some serious good with it. Their projects range from clean water to bikes to libraries. These people mean business when it comes to helping the world. You can check them out here.

So where do you come in? They need your votes!

All you have to do is text "104182" to 73774 (PEPSI) every day or as often as you can remember to do it. The hardest part will be figuring out how to switch from letters to numbers in your message. 
Do it- right now. 
How long did that take?

Spread the love.

Monday, November 1, 2010

NaNo WriMo

National Novel Writing Month

November first kicks off the nerdiest challenge of the year and I of course could not miss out on it. You can get the full details here but the gist of it is to write a 50,000 word novel in one month. That ends up being about 200 + pages. It starts today and I only have a small inkling of a plot but I am more than ready for a new challenge.

So if you need me, I'll be at Barnes and Noble, attempting to look scholarly in my fake glasses, musing on the coffee fumes, and typing my guts out. I dare you to try it out too.