Monday, March 21, 2011

street style

Meet Bill. One of my new favs (favorites, if you will).
He is the 80+ year old street-style photographer for the New York Times.
His job description includes riding his Schwinn (rainsnoworshine) around NYC capturing pictures of the truly fabulous.

[If you don't take money, they can't tell you what to do.]
[I'm not interested in celebrities with their free dresses, I'm interested in clothes.]

"Cunningham's enormous body of work is more reliable than any catwalk as an expression of time, place and individual flair. In turn, Bill Cunningham New York is a delicate, funny and often poignant portrait of a dedicated artist whose only wealth is his own humanity and unassuming grace."

What. a. guy.
Can't wait to see this!

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure there is no end to the weird in NYC. He seems such a conservative man that he is probably just quietly making fun of all the ridiculous.
