Aside from a trip to St. George, Idaho, and Logan my summer '09 traveling log has mainly been filled with a lot of trips up to Kaysville. I trek up there every weekend to put in a few hours at Subway, crossing my fingers that I will have enough money for school, making it all worth it. Ok, so that's partly a lie. Of course I'm hoping I have enough money for school but I definitely don't go up there dragging my feet every weekend. Even though I work long hours while I'm home, it sure it nice just to be there. Every. single. weekend. Seriously. Every time I go home, I fall more in love with everything about it.
Even though I spend a lot of time cooped up at Subway, I have still found time to have an adventure every Saturday morning in the shape of a purple bike named Maya, a pair of turqoise running shoes, and a boy named Mark. It's the perfect combination. Every Saturday morning this wonderful friend of mine gets up at insane hours when one should really be sleeping, hops on his bike (Maurice) and lets me drag him all around Northern Utah on those things. And if that weren't enough, we put the bikes away and put on a few miles on our running shoes. All before nine o'clock in the morning. We make a wonderful pair of Weekend Warriors.
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