Tuesday, November 29, 2011

easton cade bennett

I finally got to meet my adorable godson, Easton Cade last week. He is the son of my very best friends, Kaylee and Cade Bennett. Easton is my first godson and second godchild- making me a very happy girl. 

I am absolutely smitten by these little beans

(Now we just need to get the Bennetts to move a little further north. Ahem.)

Sunday, November 20, 2011

home again home again

You know that old saying, "time flies when you're having fun" ? 
It's true. 

I was having a lot of fun over there in Costa Rica.

If you ever get the chance- go to Costa Rica. 
Even if you don't get the chance- GO TO COSTA RICA. It is absolute paradise.

I didn't get the chance to blog while I was over there but I still want to share my stories with you
aaaand I wouldn't really mind reliving those six weeks
So if you've been dying to see what paradise is like 
I will be posting my stories on that blog I told you about as I sift through all of my pictures and the journal I sometimes meticulously kept.

So go ahead and strap on your Tevas, spray on some (lots of) bug spray and get ready to enjoy the ride!
(Oh and you might want a rain jacket.)